After 176 days on the boatyard in Carriacou we decided to stop rennovation of our catamaran and launch the boat. Not all painting work on the boat has been completed, but enough is enough. We were very happy with painting the hulls, but 6 months were more than enough for our painter to finish all work. So we decided that we’ll finish the rest of painting by ourselves later. Why? Becaues we want to start sailing again!
It took us another two weeks to clean the boat and make it shipshape and now Umadum is ready for the next adventure – sailing to Martinique. Join us for this fast sailing on one of best performance cruising catamarans – Looping 45.
Love, Peace and Ocean Breeze
Tali and Guenther
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We’re a Russian-Austrian couple, live aboard sailors/cruisers and professional filmmakers with a genuine love for life. Cruising oceans since 25 years. This is our life. Two adventurous people sailing around the world. Living the dream so many people are only dreaming of. Sailing, traveling, adventure, freedome. This is the life we want to share with you. Making travel documentaries. Yes, there are so many sailing videos. In our films we show you not only the daily cruising life. But countries we explore. People we meet. Local culture and island life. Simple and healthy living. Music, cuisine, crafts, locals artists. We will be happy if our videos inspire you to explore a different way of living. Life is about living your dreams!
The first and the second parts of our boatyard film Refitting a performance catamaran. BOATYARD BLUES Nr 1: Haul out of Umadum. What work do we expect?
Boat tour of our Looping 45 cruising catamaran and how we live on our performance cruising catamaran.
What is the best catamaran for sailing around the world and why?
Watch our story about South Atlantic Ocean Crossing:
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