About Us


In my working life in Austria I was a film director and had a production company. I decided to retire early at 41, to see what the second half of my life could bring me without a job, a social standing or money. This life has given me time, wonderfully fun experiences, allowed me to see many different countries. I have met many people and have had plenty of great sailing too!

When Tali and I met a new chapter began: we left South East Asia sailing towards the Pacific and have started to make films again after 23 years.It is really amazing: Tali and I have the very same taste in movies, music and the way we cruise, not the way the guide books instruct you to; but by looking deeper into the culture and the people in the various countries we visit. I am still loving the cruising lifestyle after 24 years!


I was raised next to the great river Volga in Russia. Both my great grandfathers and my grandfathers were ships captains on the river. My childhood holidays were therefore spent on ships with my parents. I dreamt of one day too being a captain, but in those times in the USSR it was frowned upon for a woman to dare do that.

I ended up graduating as a Musicologist and Organist from a Conservatory. My own business allowed me to travel vastly: from trekking in the Himalaya’s and various off-road expeditions in both Russia and Scandinavia… Who would guess that after 25 years my dream would bring me back to boats and I would end up becoming a sailor! I could never begin to imagine that the sailor’s life would also bring me the man of my dreams – Guenther.


The Boat

This is out home – Patrick-Luscher LOOPING 45 offshore cruising catamaran. Built on a very clever design, she gives us plenty of comfort while sailing and at anchor. Weighing only 5,2 tons means she is very light, and very fast; which means we can sail in light winds where others would have to start their engines. We are absolutely self sufficient. We have solar panels and wind generator for clean energy. The watermaker provides us with healthy water. The fridge and freezer keep our self caught fish fresh. Our small cockpit herb garden lets our Umadum cuisine taste even better. What a wonderful home with the best ocean view!

What does “UMADUM” mean?

  • It’s the name of our sailing catamaran
  • It’s Austrian slang: around/moving around/wandering around/sailing around
  • To move about without a fixed course

It describes pretty precise the way of our life.

We would be happy to hear from you!

Want to share your story or you have some questions about our journey?
Drop us a line by leaving a message or comment on our Facebook page, YouTube channel or Instagram.
You can also send us an email to umadumsailing@gmail.com
We will try to get back to you as soon as possible!