Refitting a performance catamaran. BOATYARD BLUES Nr 1: Haul out of Umadum. What work do we expect?
After sailing more than 20 000 nm we finally decided to haul out Umadum in Carriacou (Grenada). Is it the best place for refitting a catamaran? We’ll see. We expected to stay on the yard for about 3 monts and definetely will share with you our sailboat renovation experience. So many projects have to be done on our performance cruising catamaran: refit, painting hulls, deck and cockpit, applying new copper coat (anti fouling), replacing standing rigging, installing new toilet, inspecting all seacocks, engine repairing and and lots of fiberglass await.
If you want to know how we fo refitting of our performance catamaran, how we repair our boat, whay is the essential sailboat repair checklist, what are the real refit costs of a catamaran and how is it the refit your boat in the Caribbean – stay tuned and subscribe Umadum sailing.
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